Incorporating Holter monitor testing for employees or members; represents a forward-thinking
approach to ensuring the cardiac well-being of your employees or members. Many professions involve
high levels of stress, physical exertion, and / or exposure to environmental factors that can have latent
effects on heart health. Offering Holter monitoring can be a proactive way to detect, prevent, and address potential cardiac concerns and determine via our network of Health Care Professionals (HCPs)
if further testing or further medical treatment is required.
By making the HEARTLINC™ Assist program readily available to your employees or members, you
demonstrate a vested interest in their well-being, which can lead to increased job satisfaction, reduced
absenteeism, and an overall healthier & more productive workforce.
Providing HEARTLINC™ Assist as a health perk, emphasizes the value placed on its employees or
members. Such initiatives will foster an internal culture of care, improve employee retention, and
enhance the attractiveness of the organization to potential members or employees. Early detection of
potential cardiac issues, facilitated by HEARTLINC™ Assist, will improve employee or member overall
health. This in turn can be very strategic for the well-being of members or employees and a sound
financial decision for the organization contributing to the bottom-line.